Will U BelieveWhat will happen to you when you die?, How to becomeborn again, eternal life
What Just Happened To Me!The Born Again experience. What happens when youmake Jesus your Saviour.
Jesus answeredI am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes tothe Father except through Me.
The most important question of your life... Where will you spend eternity?
About US
Will you believe in the one who came to give eternal life?
Jesus came to this earth to reconcile man back to God the Father. He died for you…went to hell for you… and rose back to life for you. Conquering death, Hell, and the grave. He did this all for you.
Because God loves and values you so much, He made a way for you to be saved. He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die so mankind could be redeemed from sin. The Bible says concerning salvation;” Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John3:3
Salvation does not come by joining a church, following a certain religion, doing good deeds, or living a good moral life. The Bible says there is only one way to receive salvation. You must be born again by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior.
What we do
What’s the meaning of Life?
Nether is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 That is the name JESUS.
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What Just Happened
- The Born Again experience.
- What Just Happened to Me?
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- the salvation experience
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Me and my partners have found our relationship with this team to be a very satisfying and mutually beneficial experience.

Alivin Corondo
Me and my partners have found our relationship with this team to be a very satisfying and mutually beneficial experience.

Alivin Corondo
Me and my partners have found our relationship with this team to be a very satisfying and mutually beneficial experience.

Alivin Corondo